Excerpted from SEAK’s course, “Screenwriting for Physicians

Instructor: Step five, what does Rich mean when he says, “Step outline?” The step outline is essentially every scene in the movie. Okay? So step, you have this scene…it is a really good exercise, if this is interesting to you, to look at a movie you love in the genre you’re working in. So, I wanna write a coming-of-age story. So, rent…rent, I keep saying rent. People haven’t rented movies in a long time. I’m so old. Go to Netflix, and watch “Stand by Me” if it’s on there, and count the scene. “Stand by Me” has 47 scenes.

The average scene takes two to three minutes. You know, do your due diligence. Do your analysis. How many scenes? Action movies have lots of scenes. Romantic comedies have less scenes, you know, you start seeing trends. A lot of screenwriters I know, when they figure out what movie they want to write, they watch all the best movies. Blake Snyder talks about this in “Save the Cat!” Watch all the movies you can that you love in that genre, and then, you… What does he call it? He says you borrow the structure. You are inspired by the structure, but you do it differently.

Man: The preceding clip was from Screenwriting for Physicians by SEAK, Inc. SEAK specializes in helping physicians find and locate non-clinical careers, and also in helping physicians learn how to supplement their income with lucrative home-based work. Ways to supplement your income include medical expert witnessing, disability and utilization reviews, independent medical examinations, writing, including screenwriting, inventing, consulting, and life care planning.

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, Screenwriting for Physicians