
The Axial Loading and Truncal Rotation IME Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_VMPEKyDsI&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TzXIaH8OTLbr9M4LhcUou6&index=2 Instructor: The axial loading test is used to detect non-physiologic low back pain. Gentle, downward pressure is applied to the top of the standing examinee's head. This should not cause or increase low back pain. Some examiners, to help avoid potential malpractice claims, have the examinee perform this test with their own hand. Reports of low back [...]


How to Perform a Waddell Straight Leg Test During an IME

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAFXHb9tK78&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TzXIaH8OTLbr9M4LhcUou6&index=3 Speaker 1: One of the tests described by Gordon Waddle in his classic paper entitled "Non-Organic Physical Findings in Low-Back Pain" is comparing passive knee extension with the examinee sitting, with the standard supine straight leg raising. The former is typically accomplished while the examinee is distracted. The examiner might, for instance, say he wants to check [...]


Using Observation to Detect Symptom Magnification During an IME

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqnYEfmlJeA&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TzXIaH8OTLbr9M4LhcUou6&index=5 Speaker: The examination starts as soon as the examinee is observed entering the office. Is the examinee moving normally or slowly? Is there a limp? Is the examinee using any assistive devices such as cervical collar, sling, back brace, cane, or holding onto the arm of a helper? Dr. Brigham: Good morning, Steve. I'm Dr. Brigham, why [...]


How to Gain Repeat IME Business

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Market and Grow Your IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN6Zt0B2Yd4&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TQk8h7sGQjfzrSrVw4QkfM&index=4&t=30s Man 1: ...me a few things that you might do with regard to your repeat business, or to increase your repeat business. Anyone. Take some pens out of my pocket. Okay. That's number one. Man 1: Yeah, anything more than 10 pens [...]


Special Techniques for IMEs (Independent Medical Examinations) Involving Examinees Who Use Canes

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLc-UTRyi9s&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1QbmMVU5t4oG_cuyVvsRAJx&index=6 The range of motion, can they walk on their toes and their heels? Are they using a gait-assistive device? Where did they get it? Who prescribed it? And are they using it appropriately? For example, somebody has a left knee [...]


How to avoid creating a doctor patient relationship with your examinee during an IME

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuT3f-ZCdDI&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1QbmMVU5t4oG_cuyVvsRAJx&index=4 Steven: For emergency situations like a cancer that you notice, there's no physician-patient relationship. However, you can create a physician-patient relationship. Of course, if you can create a physician-patient relationship, now you're liable for medical malpractice, okay? So you don't [...]


Building Your IME brand

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Market and Grow Your IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTGRAob2ras&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TQk8h7sGQjfzrSrVw4QkfM&index=3 Okay. So, let's move on to building your IME brand. We're on page 75, I believe of your book. And some of this is important to review, but I think it's important to mention. The first important thing is...there's only about 10 [...]


How to Answer Trick and Difficult Questions about the Treating Doctor in an IME Deposition

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnBmNi1_zk&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1QbmMVU5t4oG_cuyVvsRAJx&index=3 Instructor: That's a pretty safe question. He's a little shaky on that. Okay. Let me ask you this. You only saw the examinee once for, let's say, an hour. The treating doctor has been treating this claimant numerous times over [...]


Best and Worst IME Billing Practices

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Market and Grow Your IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1fwJPCxuqo&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1TQk8h7sGQjfzrSrVw4QkfM&index=2&t=9s Instructor 1: They'll call up, "I think I have this or I think I have this kind of case." "Well, you know, I got a half an hour or 15 minutes, well, tell me about it," you know. And, oh, you can [...]


Advice for Independent Medical Examiners (IME physicians) When Reviewing Surveillance Video

Excerpted from SEAK’s stream on-demand course, “How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME Practice” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LDZubcbbTg&list=PLSHIhaKw3X1QbmMVU5t4oG_cuyVvsRAJx&index=2&t=21s Tony: Is the surveillance representative of the pathology? I use functional capacities at a time if it's a complicated case. We want to see what they could do, what they can't do, and also if they exhibit inappropriate, exaggerated behavior [...]

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