
About Alex Babitsky

Alex Babitsky, MBA is a Partner of SEAK, Inc. Mr. Babitsky received his MBA from Northeastern University and a BS degree from the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Babitsky deals with expert witnesses and the attorneys who retain them on a daily basis as the Product Manager of SEAK’s Expert Witness Directory, SEAK’s National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners, and SEAK’s National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants. Mr. Babitsky consults regularly with experts of all fields on the subject of expert witness marketing. His publications include: How to Market Your Expert Witness Practice: Evidence-Based Best Practices, 2009 National Guide to Expert Witness Fees and Billing Procedures, 2004 National Guide to Expert Witness Fees and Billing Procedures, The A to Z Guide to Expert Witnessing and What All Physicians Considering Starting an IME Practice Should Know.

How to Build Your Physician Consulting Company

One consideration often overlooked by new physician consultants is whether they should immediately start thinking about building a consulting company. Acting as a solo physician consultant has advantages, including: Retaining all the income No management responsibilities Being able to devote all of your time to clients The disadvantages of acting as a solo physician consultant, however, are significant, [...]


Physician Consultants Should Compete on Quality Not Price

Successful physician consultants always try to compete on quality and not on price. Physician consultants in the following fields quickly learn that competing on price is counterproductive as there will generally always be another consultant or company willing to do the work for less: Affordable Care Act (ACA) Biopharmaceutical Career Coaching Case Management Clinical Trials Coding Disease Management [...]


How to Obtain New IME Referrals

Hi, I'm attorney Jim Mangraviti from SEAK. I'm with attorney Steve Babitsky from SEAK, and we're here to talk about how to get more IME business. Steve, how much effort should a doctor put in to get a new IME client, and why? Steve Babitsky: I would say at this point just about whatever it takes. A new [...]


How to Write a Medical Peer/File Review

I'm Jim Mangraviti. I'm here with Steve Babitsky. We're both from SEAK, Inc., and we're here today to talk about how to write a medical file review, peer review, however you want to call it. Steve, what is a medical file review or peer review? Steve Babitsky: It is a review requested by insurance companies, IROs and other [...]


How to Become a Physician Consultant

I'm Jim Mangraviti from SEAK, and I'm here with SEAK's President and Founder, Steve Babitsky. Can you give me some specific examples of physician consultants that you've worked with, kind of what they do and who pays them for it?   Steve Babitsky:          Sure. We've have hundreds of people go through our consulting course. One example would [...]


How Physicians Can Perform Disability Reviews for Insurance Companies

Hi, my name is Attorney Jim Mangraviti. I'm here with Attorney Steve Babitsky from SEAK, and we're going to talk briefly today about how physicians can perform disability reviews for insurance companies. Steve, what is the role of the physician regarding reviewing disability claims? Steve Babitsky:  Physicians are asked to review claims by insurance companies and IROs and [...]


How to Become an Independent Medical Examiner

Hi, I'm Attorney Jim Mangraviti from SEAK, and I'm here with Attorney Steve Babitsky from SEAK. And today we're going to talk about how to become an independent medical examiner. Steve, what is an independent medical examiner, and what do IME doctors do? Steve Babitsky:          Independent medical examiners are physicians who examine for insurance companies and independent [...]


Physicians Mistakenly Giving up Rights to Retain Supplemental Income

With more and more physicians practices being acquired by groups and hospitals one of the key questions raised is will the physicians retain their rights to supplemental income? These rights include fees for: consulting, acting as an expert medical witness (plaintiff and defense), performing Independent Medical Evaluations (IME's), performing disability and file reviews, medical writing, physician inventions etc. [...]


How Much Money Can a Physician Make By Writing?

Doctors can earn substantial amounts of money through writing. Successful physician novelists like Tess Gerritsen, MD can earn seven figures each year. Physician authors of trade and text books published through traditional publishers typically receive a royalty of 10-15%.  The amount earned will depend upon the price of the book and the number of sales.  Keep in mind [...]


Self-Publishing for Physicians – The Top 10 Advantages

Making money from self-publishing is doable.  There are growing numbers of examples of physicians and others making money from self-publishing. There is no longer a stigma associated with self-publishing.  Countless examples of successfully self-published authors have eliminated this stigma. You can actually make it happen.  Not forced to wait for a green light from agents and publishers. Segue [...]

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